Sunday 21 April 2013

Wow I wish there was an Essential Oil to improve my organisational skills.  I would Definitely use it!!

Okay I promised that I would write some of my experiences using essential oils to improve my health so here's my next installment.

You already know that I have been Diabetic Type 1 since the age of 4 and take insulin.  Miraculously I have no side-effects with the diabetes.  I trained as a Nurse and absolutely Loved it.  My life had meaning and my confidence increased while I was wearing my uniform and my life was Good.  I married a wonderful man and had four lovely boys.  When my youngest son was a year old I started with a Frozen Shoulder.  I had Physiotherapy and three Manipulations under anaesthetic but the pain continued to worsen.  I went to Liverpool for a scan and my consultant told me that I needed an operation called an Acromeoplasty to remove up to 1/2" of bone from the shoulder.  I agreed to have the surgery.  Following the surgery the pain was completely debilitating and I could not use the arm at all.  I could do nothing for myself and the situation did not improve with time.  I needed help to wash, dress, dry my hair, And everything else.  My husband was wonderful.  He looked after me and our four boys, one of which was only one and a half when I had the surgery.  He cooked and cleaned and he was self-employed so was extremely busy.

Two years Post-op my Consultant told me there was no reason for the pain I was in and said there was nothing more he could do.  I went straight to my GP and asked for a second opinion and gave him the name of an Upper Limb specialist in Manchester. 

It was at this appointment that I was told that the shoulder was a total "botch-up" and he advised me to litigate against the NHS and he would give me his support.  There was nothing that could be done to correct the shoulder as it was now 3 years since the surgery.

I was on a total of 7 medications which included 20mg Oxynorm when needed and with all those meds I had all the side-effects.  The pain in the shoulder continued to be severe and the attacks were unexpected that sometimes when I got an attack my legs would go to jelly and I would collapse in a heap.  If I was going anywhere one of my family would go with me because I wouldn't know when one of these attacks would happen.  I continued like this for 20 years.

My Nephew is married to an American girl and she has a son with severe autism.  He and his wife had joined doTERRA and started using essential oils on their son with tremendous success.  When my nephew next visited the Island he suggested that I should also try the oils to see if they could help with my health.  I was extremely sceptical but decided to put them to the test.   On a diabetic scale I was "obese" so I decided to try out the doTERRA blend known as Slim & Sassy for weight loss.  I took 5 drops in a glass of water 5 times a day and in 6 weeks I had lost 16lbs!  A miracle, especially since insulin stabalises weight and for years I have tried, in vain, to lose more than three or four pounds before I put the weight back on.  I was deliriously happy and very impressed with doTERRA. 

I had been taking 75mg of Amitripylene at night to help me through the night. The following morning I wouldn't be able to get out of bed. I felt hung over and even when I was up and showered, I still felt sluggish.  One night I told my husband that instead of taking the Amitrip I was going to put a couple of drops of Lavender on my feet to help me sleep.  He was really anxious and asked what I would do if the Lavender didn't work.  I laughed and said that if the Lavender didn't work, I would take the tablets.  I awoke the next morning having had a really good night's sleep and I felt wide awake.  My hubhy said that it must have been coincidence so I used the Lavender the following night and slept like a baby.  I have never used Amitriptylene since then!  All I use is Lavender or a blend called Serenity.

I think I have probably written enough for now.  I don't want you to get bored but believe me there is a whole lot more to learn about Linda's improved health using doTERRA essential oils.   Please continue to check in and read further posts.  'Can't guarantee that they will be every couple of days but I do promise that I will keep writing.  In the meantime Stay Healthy!

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